
Life Is Pretty Normal Today


► Last night, I realized that everyone worries that if they dont put their feet in the covers a monster will get them. I started wondering why no one worries about their hands.

► Today in psychology class, I asked my teacher if he was aware that diarrhea was hereditary. He immediately replied "No, it isn't," and proceeded to explain why. I interrupted him with "Sure it is, it runs in the jeans." He was so excited with this response, he ran out of the room to get another teacher for me to tell. Psychology rocks.

► A similar thing happened to me when I was a teenager. I asked my grandfather if drinking beer can make you wise. "No," he said in his most serious voice, "drinking no kind of alcohol can ever make you wise." I told him that it made Bud weiser. This happened in front of my uncle. My uncle was much more amused than my grandfather.

► Today, since my boyfriend broke up with me, I decided to make my relationship status on Facebook "widowed" and tagged him in it. His relationship status - "dead".

► Today, I was at a store and I randomly started singing "F is for friends who do stuff together..." from SpongeBob. There was this big black guy who looked about 17 who sang "U is for you and me!" From there, we both finished off with "N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea!" and high fived.

[via MLIA]

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