
â–º what an alarming rhythm early this morning, TWO HOME WARS! tsk tsk tsk, shattering starting day of the week! aside from that, don't forget this saturday, "the tradition continues..." as we are goin' to run the so-called event SIMPOL RA BAI '10... c;


what's on my mind? â–º simply trying to get inside the brain of this EFFIN' university! wonderin' nothing but anomalies...


► ♫♪ sunday morning rain is falling, share some cover, share some skin... ♪♫


► ♪♫ the shorter the skirt, the greater the fame... ♫♪


♪♫ i wanna be a billionaire so fuckin' bad, buy all of the things I never had. uhh... i wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine, smiling next to Oprah and the Queen ♫♪


a woman from inside out at Pelourinho.com

a woman from inside out at Pelourinho.com


The Pinhole Camera: 35 mm Matchbox « Cameras And Film « AlternativePhotography.com

The Pinhole Camera: 35 mm Matchbox « Cameras And Film « AlternativePhotography.com


it's not "how-it-looks-like" that matters, IT'S THE CONTENT!

i certainly don't know why but i guess this is me during summer not taking-up summer class at all, when day becomes night, night becomes day, and as for now i am so preoccupied with things that i'm pretty much unsure of, hmmm and i'm enjoying it so well...